As a foreign branch campus of leading universities in Ireland, we are known for delivering high-quality medical education to a diverse range of international students.

Our Student Affairs team is ever-ready to provide you with the relevant advice and guidance to manage your immigration requirements, to ensure a smooth study journey to Malaysia.

You may refer below for a general overview of the requirements on student pass and visa.

You are required to submit the following documents to process the Student Pass:

  • 1 copy of Letter of Offer from the University
  • 4 recent passport-sized photographs
  • 4 copies of ALL pages of passport certified in accordance with requirements
  • The passport must be valid for at least 12 months from the expected date of entry
  • Academic and other certificates certified as a true copy by the institution issuing the document or a commissioner of oaths, notary public or lawyer
  • Personal Bond Payment (held by RUMC)

You are required to make the following payments:

  • EMGS Visa Processing Fee RM1,000
  • Medical screening fee RM250
  • Immigration Fees e.g. Student Pass and multiple entry visa fee
  • Medical Insurance Premium

Upon arriving in Penang for your Clinical years, you are required to:

  • Submit your original passport to the University.
  • Attend medical screening within 7 working days from your date of entry.
    • EMGS / RUMC will help you with your Student Pass endorsement once you’ve completed Medical Screening.

Citizens of several countries may be required to apply for an entry visa before arriving in Malaysia. This is a separate application from your Student Pass.

To apply for this, you will need to take your Visa Approval letter along with other travel documents to your nearest Malaysian Embassy.

For more accurate and updated information on visa requirements, you may contact the Malaysian High Commission / Embassy / Consulate in your country.

If your country does not have a Malaysian consular representative, you may contact your nearest Malaysian Mission for further advice.

The University is required to sign a Personal Bond with the Malaysian Immigration, on behalf of the student, binding the institution for the said sum.

To comply with this requirement, you will have to lodge the said sum with RUMC to serve the purpose of the personal bond.

The bonded sum will be returned to you after completion or upon withdrawal from the programme of study, under the condition that there is no violation of any provisions of the Immigration Ordinance 1959 (F.M. 12 of 1969 (and Immigration Regulations, 1963 – F.L.N 228 / 63).

  • To renew your Student Pass, you will have to apply to RUMC International Student Services two (2) months before the expiry date.
  • It is the students’ responsibility to:
    • ensure that the Student Pass is kept valid throughout their studies at RUMC.
    • make certain timely submission of required documents for renewal of Student Pass.
  • You must attend classes regularly, with at least 80% attendance for all subjects. Absence from class for more than three (3) days must be substantiated with a Medical Certificate.
  • If you were to leave the state or country for holidays or any other purpose, you are required to inform RUMC International Student Services of your address and emergency contact details.
  • You must inform the University of any changes to your current/permanent address, contact details, passport number, etc.
  • You are not allowed to seek employment while studying unless you have a valid Work Permit.
  • You are required to abide by all general rules and regulation of RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus (RUMC).
  • Your Student Pass may be cancelled or withdrawn, should you have failed in your studies or contravened any of the regulations of the University OR the Malaysian Government.
  • You must be covered by medical insurance throughout your stay in Malaysia.