Are you a recent graduate of your secondary education, having completed your SPM or O-levels? Are you eager to continue your academic journey and deeply passionate about the world of medicine? Try asking yourself these few questions to get a head start:

1. Do you feel a strong sense of empathy and a calling to help others during their times of physical and emotional vulnerability?
2. Are you excited about the prospect of lifelong learning and continuous adaptation to the ever-evolving nature of the medical field?
3. Are you interested in exploring various medical specialties, ranging from surgery, obstetrics, or family medicine?

If you answered “yes” to all of them, then our Foundation in Science programme is meant for someone like you! Our foundation programme prepares you for the study of your medical degree abroad with a cost-effective tuition in renowned universities. Here are 5 reasons why a Foundation in Science programme is meant for you.


1. Learn New Skills

Diving into the world of medicine offers a chance to build a toolkit of skills you might not have thought about before:

Analytical Skills

In medicine, you learn how to break down complex information, which is a vital skill. Imagine noticing subtle changes in a patient’s condition or health trends. This skill helps you draw meaningful conclusions, adding precision to your assessments.

Problem Solving Skills

This skill isn’t just for excelling in your exams. People with medical training tend to be well-prepared professionals. Immersing yourself in medicine not only equips you for your career but also keeps your mind sharp and growing. As you pursue your passion in becoming a doctor, you’ll learn to look into past successful methods and try fresh approaches.

2. A Pathway to Practise Medicine Abroad

To become a doctor or surgeon, it requires a great degree of commitment. If you have concerns over fees, RUMC provides scholarships for students with excellent academic achievements and a strong passion for the study of medicine. You could start a pre-university science course as long as you’re determined. After completing your foundation in science programme, you can even opt to continue your education with RUMC’s degree programme to study in Dublin, Ireland, for the first 2 ½ years!

3. Saving Lives

Science and technology are valuable disciplines to study. However, there is a great deal of satisfaction in being able to call oneself a paediatrician, an oncologist, a pharmacist, or any other sort of specialisation you can think of. Whatever way you look at it, it’s a highly regarded profession, and no matter which branch you choose, you’ll be able to look back on your decision with pride. So, if you ever want to change the world, here is a small step you can take towards that! Being a doctor and working under pressure isn’t easy, but it is definitely rewarding.

4. Hands-On Learning Experiences

Because the sciences are so vast, students may assume possessing a photographic memory is the only way to succeed at secondary school. However, at university, especially if you are aspiring to pursue a degree in medicine after your foundation, everything changes. You get to experiment and have hands-on experiences to help you remember things better, like learning to stitch wounds and cuts, measuring blood pressures and even Electrocardiogram (ECG). 

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. You cannot immediately learn everything just by reading and learning it in classrooms from theories. That is why doctors go through many practical sessions and at hospitals as doctors-in-training to reach perfection and learn from their mistakes. A first-hand experience is always better than studying from textbooks and looking at pictures. Experience is the best teacher. You could also join many fun activities, events, as well as clubs and societies to gain experience at our university!

Study Foundation in Science Malaysia

5. Discover Fascinating Facts About the Human Body

The study of medicine satisfies our innate curiosity about the human body, how our nervous system works, and how complicated and fascinating human brains are. These areas can be addressed effectively using science. Medicine teaches about crucial and beneficial things like our health and leads to technological advancements. The contemporary world would not be modern without science, yet we still have a lot to learn. Millions of doctors all over the world are doing their best in medical advances, learning about unusual and abnormal diseases, curing patients, and saving lives.

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