Studying Medicine is a rewarding career as you make a significant difference in people’s lives by helping to alleviate their pain. It is a respected role and one of the most sought-after professions. Here’s how one of our aspiring doctors paved the way to make her dream of becoming a doctor a reality.

Chan Shu Chen is a fourth year student ambassador who is currently pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor at RCSI UCD Malaysia Campus. Fueled by her passion for science and love for a career in Medicine, she began her journey to becoming a doctor with RUMC’s Irish medical education. She also has a special interest in neuroscience and neuropsychology.

The transnational delivery of Medicine at RUMC caught her attention as she could gain the best of both worlds’ experiences To her, being able to do pre clinical studies abroad in Dublin, Ireland and then returning to Malaysia to complete her clinical training in Penang completely sealed the deal.

Before pursuing her journey in Medicine at RUMC Shu Chen completed her A Levels at Methodist College Kuala Lumpur. She was also the recipient of the Star Scholarship in 2018 which made her dream to study Medicine a reality.

A Lifetime Experience in Dublin, Ireland

Shu Chen travelled to Dublin in September 2018 and that journey of 2 ½ years was indeed a beautiful one. She did her Pre-Clinical Years at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and had an amazing time exploring Dublin and adapting to its lifestyle.

From Grafton Street for the city lights and hustle, Dun Laoghaire for the ocean breeze, Phibsborough for its neighbourhood warmth, Phoenix Park for deers and picnics, and RCSI for its diverse culture and student-centric care, studying in Ireland has broadened her horizons and most importantly, gifted her memories and lifelong friendships to treasure.

Like most medical students, finding the right balance between academic, social life, and extracurricular activities was certainly a challenge worth facing. As for Shu Chen, she ensured enough time was allocated for her social and extracurricular activities through proper planning and made use of every opportunity to be involved in non-academic activities.

“A senior once said that the memories we are about to cherish the most when we leave Dublin are not the ones related to academics – and that became very close to my heart,” said Shu Chen.

She was actively involved in the SouthEast and East Asia Society (SEASoc) and gained a rewarding experience by witnessing the society’s expansion to include more nationalities other than Malaysians.

Shu Chen when sharing about her most memorable event in Dublin said, “Taste of Asia was our first event as SEASoc and probably one of my favourite and proudest moments, on par with sweeping up almost all awards during RCSI’s annual International Food Night.” She also recalled joining the Paediatrics Society at RCSI and going on a primary school visit as one of her most vivid memories.

The Learning Continues in Penang, Malaysia

Returning to Malaysia for Clinical Years was a huge and adventurous transition for Shu Chen, from both academic and environmental perspectives. Having learnt the theories during her pre-clinical years, she had immense opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge to patients from diverse backgrounds.

As RUMC medical students receive sole access to training hospitals such as Penang General Hospital and Seberang Jaya Hospital, Shu Chen was grateful for the exposure to patients with different illnesses and diseases. This learning opportunity is also contributed by affordable healthcare and the various subspecialties in the hospitals.

Despite her tight schedule, Shu Chen also makes time for some extracurricular activities here at RUMC. She holds the position of Events Officer, Peer Assisted Learning Society (PALS) RUMC. She is also actively involved in activities organised by Malaysian Medics International (MMI), a medical student-led organisation, based in Malaysia.

A Message to Aspiring Doctors

You treat a disease, you win or you lose. You treat the person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter the outcome.” Dr Hunter ‘Patch’ Adams.

The above excerpt from the movie Dr Hunter ‘Patch’ Adams is Shu Chen’s favourite.

“This particular excerpt says it all and this is also what keeps me going in medical school. To date, it has been a journey full of positive challenges and realising that I will finally be able to provide the care and support that my future patients would require gives me the strength and passion to keep moving forward,” said Shu Chen.

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