Possessing a strong foundation is one of the major elements of a learning process. It enables you to prepare for more focused and specified studies. Pursuing a profession in the medical field also requires you to obtain a foundation that will be able to set you up for success. This foundation will be your transition from secondary to tertiary-level studies. It is a bridge to connect these two levels of studies in order to prepare you for more challenges ahead.

RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus (RUMC) offers the Foundation in Science programme that will be able to prepare you for your future medical endeavours. The programme is packed with modules that will prepare you for your medical school later on. At the end of the programme, you will be able to transition into the study of Medicine or similar degree programmes in renowned universities worldwide, with knowledge and skills that will give you an edge amongst the others.

If you intend on pursuing your career as a medical doctor, read on. You will be able to understand the possibilities your future might produce after a year of studying the foundation in science in Malaysia at RUMC.


RUMC offers quality medical education

Obtaining medical education with quality allows students to acquire the skills and knowledge that can facilitate the learning process after foundation. You will learn from the finest educators RUMC has on board. When you apply for a science foundation programme in Malaysia at RUMC, priority will be placed on your medical education and experience.

RUMC’s academic personnel are certified lecturers that can effectively educate our students. We are prepared to handle any questions you might have regarding the syllabus. Our lecturers will aid you through the assignments, tests and exams presented throughout the semesters.

Offers clinical and medical exposure

One of the value propositions of the RUMC foundation programme is that it provides early exposure to the medical & clinical fields in a hospital setting. You will be brought to hospitals to observe the interpersonal dynamics that occur within patients, physicians, and healthcare staff. These are dynamics that you will soon adapt to after your medical degree period. Therefore, if you are aware of the dynamics present in hospitals beforehand, you will be ready for your fellowship in the future.

Encourages connections with certified clinicians

During these visits to the hospital, you will also be able to forge connections with the certified clinicians there. Establishing a relationship with a clinician can push your career forward in many ways. For one, similar to your lecturers, you will have access to their advice and experience in the field. They will inform you of the patient encounters they experience and educate you on the ins and outs of bedside manners. Clinicians will counsel you on any helpful pointers they picked up during their careers. All these tips will give you a lead before joining the medical workforce.

Furthermore, securing connections with clinicians will allow you to develop a medical network of relationships. It is imperative that you secure these relationships as they might aid you in your future as a physician. You will be able to contact them for any medical matters that you need a second opinion on. Soon enough, you will offer the same assistance to other aspiring doctors that come after you.

Fosters interaction with senior medical students

RUMC facilitates your interactions with senior medical students on campus. You should be able to encounter senior medical students around campus and during your clubs and society meetings. Foundation students can form long-lasting relationships with their seniors, which will allow them to work on their communication and socialising skills. A physician must have impeccable communication skills, as it is their job to build relationships with their patients.

Plus, senior medical students can readily help you with your assignments and tasks. They will facilitate your learning process, and offer you tips on obtaining excellent grades. Other than that, you will gain different perspectives on life when meeting other students on your campus.

Pursue medical degree in an Irish Medical University 

If you are ready to pursue your tertiary level studies at RUMC and take the medical degree programme offered, RUMC allows you to progress directly into our Undergraduate Medicine programme if you meet a CGPA of 3.5 – 4.0.

Plus, being able to travel to Ireland for your studies can be an exciting experience. You are able to meet students from all over the world and interact with them daily. You will have access to their libraries and state-of-the-art medical training facilities that help sharpen your skills.

RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus (RUMC) is the ideal choice for you to study Foundation in Science. The programme thoroughly prepares you for your medical degree and, following that, your medical profession. The foundation programme creates a strong base for you to build your medical career. Start your university application for foundation in science at RUMC.

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