Mental Health and its Impacts

The impact of mental health in studying is prevalent amongst students due to many different factors relating to academics and personal life experiences. Your mental state can reflect in your daily activities as well as your emotions. Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or social status. Therefore, it’s essential to understand why mental health is important and how to maintain good mental health. Your mental health can affect your studies in terms of motivation, energy, concentration, which will impact and clearly show in your performance. You should prioritise your mental health by practising self-care, seeking professional help when needed, and educating themselves on mental health issues. Students are not aware of the impact of mental health and that without taking care of their mental health, it could cause disruptions in their focus on studies as well as their physical health. Here are a few ways you could keep your mental health in check:


  1. Create a Checklist of Your Tasks

The first and the most important step is by creating a checklist, you would be able to keep yourself organised and also feel better about completing a certain task. Creating a checklist is a practical and useful tool that can help you to stay organised and productive in your daily lives. Checklists are simple to create and can be used for a variety of tasks, from grocery shopping to work projects. By creating a checklist, you can prioritise your tasks, reduce stress, and increase efficiency. The benefits of creating checklists are numerous, can lead to greater success, productivity in both personal, professional settings, prioritising activities, and you can accomplish more in less time, this would also help if you are feeling overwhelmed and not sure where or how to start your day or week.


  1. Balance your Time

Constant studying is not healthy as you can develop a form of burn-out, thus losing interest and motivation in your studies. Balancing your time is crucial for achieving success and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Students often struggle with balancing work and personal time. By prioritising tasks, setting boundaries, and creating a schedule, you can balance your time more effectively. The benefits of balancing your time include reduced stress, improved productivity, and better mental and physical health. It’s essential to recognise the importance of time management and learn how to balance your time to achieve your goals and lead a fulfilling life. Students should have a balance of studying, exercising, doing your favourite activities, and reflecting on your past week.

  1. Manage your Stress

You would also need to find a healthy and positive outlet for you to release your stress, whether it be socialising, journaling, doing fun activities, or even just resting. Common stressors include study, relationships, and financial issues. To manage stress, you can use techniques like mindfulness, exercise, and time management. Professional help can also be sought, the benefits of stress management include improved mood, better sleep quality, and increased productivity. You should prioritise stress management to improve your overall well-being and lead a fulfilling life. When your mind is clouded with negativity, it is recommended that you take a step back to recollect your thoughts and then come back to the obstacle you’re facing with a clear mind.

  1. Physical Well-Being Impacts Mental Health

Physical well-being plays a pivotal role in nurturing mental health, as it directly influences one’s emotional and cognitive state. ‘Feel Good’ chemicals like dopamine and serotonin that help improve your mood are released when you do any form of exercise, hence it helps improve your mental health (Lin TW, Kuo YM). Regular exercise has been proven to significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels. Engaging in physical activities triggers the release of endorphins, the brain’s natural mood elevators, leading to an enhanced sense of well-being. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for promoting mental clarity and stability. Nutrient-rich foods provide the brain with the necessary elements for optimal functioning, positively impacting mood and cognitive abilities. So if you ever feel stressed studying for long hours, be sure to also spare some time to exercise as light as walking around the park or campus. 



That being said, if you have a much more serious mental health concern and it is affecting your daily routine, it is best for you to reach out to a professional. Mental health is an essential component of overall health and wellbeing. Just like how you would visit the doctor when you’re under the weather, you should also visit the doctor if your mental health is not in a good state. Mental health issues are prevalent in Malaysia, yet often overlooked with stigmas surrounding the topic. It’s crucial to recognise the importance of mental health and prioritise it in our lives. For students at RUMC, we care about your mental health well being and encourage you to reach out to our on-campus counsellor should you be facing any mental health concerns.

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