Feb 23 2019

23 February 2019 (Saturday) – SAVE THE DATE

Offering guidance to participating students, Medical Careers Day will cover knowledge before applying for medicine, studying abroad vs studying locally, life after medical school and career pathways of a medical doctor.

You will gain insight into speciality selection and life as a practising doctor.

Workshop and activities will be lined-up for participants.

The programme will include guiding young students with:

  • Selecting the medical school for you
  • Basic clinical skills workshops
  • Medical students/alumni experience sharing as a medical student and as a practising doctor
  • Studying medicine in Dublin and Penang
  • Career pathways discussion

The event is open to pre-University students or younger. Parents are also welcome.

Registration is now open for RM50.

Tentative Programme:

Time Programme
1200 Registration & Lunch
1300 Welcome Address
1310 Choosing the Right Medical School by Prof Dr David Whitford, VP (Academic Affairs) & Registrar, RUMC
1330 Experience as A Medical Student in Dublin

  • Experience with Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
  • Experience with University College Dublin (UCD)
1400 Medical Student Experience (Workshops)

    Heart, Sound & Blood Pressure
    Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation
    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
1600 Break session
1615 Career Pathway Talk & Discussion by Prof Finian O’Brien, Head of Psychiatry Department & Consulting Psychiatrist, RUMC
1645 Q&A Session
1650 Final Remarks & Closing

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